I'm about to embark on the life (or lack thereof) of a veterinary medicine student... I'm not sure what to expect! so live and learn with me...
CoffeeCrazy's Articles » Page 2
April 26, 2004 by CoffeeCrazy
I've always been active in volunteer organizations, especially ones benefitting animals. Click to help animal shelters: Link
April 22, 2004 by CoffeeCrazy
Now, I know I should be enjoying myself since work is light and spring is here. And I am enjoying myself, in an angst-ridden, nervous kind of way. I keep looking up places to live, textbooks to buy, and student organizations to join, and reading the insightful blog of a soon-to-be second year vet student. Notes on the latter: according to her, there are two loose groupings of vet students. One believes in study, study, study! The harder you study, the better you'll do, and the better j...
April 19, 2004 by CoffeeCrazy
The postcard that says "Yes, please please please hold a spot for me" has been sent in. Everything is pretty much as set as it can get. And only now am I hearing, "If you didn't go, your dad would be so happy." Huh? "Well, he thinks you could make more money as an engineer." What if I don't want to be an engineer? What if I wouldn't be happy? "You know, the money could always make you happy." Right. Money buying happiness. I think I heard that somewhere. By the way, did you kno...
April 17, 2004 by CoffeeCrazy
I include this segment because it's exactly what I wanted to know when I was applying and interviewing. I hope it helps someone out. I only applied to 3 schools, because the school I want to and am going to is in-state (i.e. cheaper tuition). I didn't get in the other 2 schools. 1 rejected me outright and 1 rejected me after the secondary application. Probably 5 schools (1 reach, 2 possibilities, and 2 safety schools) is a better number. A note about non-certified schools: I spent a...
April 17, 2004 by CoffeeCrazy
These are my last 4 months of freedom before I enter vet school. I've spent so much time worrying and wondering if I would get in to vet school that I haven't really considered what comes after I am officially going. I'd like to keep track of my progress through vet school - for those who wonder what it's like, for those who wonder if it's for them, and for those who want to know what could come next. And I'd love to be able to look back on it all! 1. I need to quit my job. Everyon...