These are my last 4 months of freedom before I enter vet school. I've spent so much time worrying and wondering if I would get in to vet school that I haven't really considered what comes after I am officially going.
I'd like to keep track of my progress through vet school - for those who wonder what it's like, for those who wonder if it's for them, and for those who want to know what could come next. And I'd love to be able to look back on it all!
1. I need to quit my job. Everyone knew I was applying to vet school, so it's not a surprise, but I need to decide when to leave. I'd like to continue getting paychecks, but I know I need a break before school. I think I will take a week off before orientation and cash out all my vacation and sick days (about a month) before that. That leaves me with a mid-July quitting date.
2. I need to find a place to live. That goes without saying. But I also want to unpack and decorate (instead of my current living situation in my tiny, bare-walled studio) so I have a place to call home for 4 years.
3. I need to figure out how I'm paying for all of this. The financial aid office will be my best friend.
4. I need to get back in to a studying mode. In these last two years, I think I've forgotten what little I knew about studying. I'm bad at it. That's how I barely got in to vet school.
I still have some concerns. I'm not sure that I'm ready for all the classwork and purported studying that comes with vet school. I know I want to be a vet, but I'm nervous that it won't be all that I imagine it's cracked up to be. And I'm a little nervous about moving to a new place with all new people. But ready or not... class of 2008, here I come!