I'm sitting on my bed, my tablet PC precariously propped up on my pillow so the ethernet cord can reach, my coffee cup off to the side. I'm praying it doesn't fall on my bed, or worse, my PC. But I love - almost need - my morning coffee, so doing without isn't an option.
It's been almost 3 full days since I've been by myself, 5 days since I've been in my new place. Not quite organized yet, but the majority of boxes have been emptied. Animals are happy in their respective places (rabbit in the kitchen, gliders in the hall closet because it's roomy, bright but not direct sunlight, and can be darkened at night when I don't want to turn off my other lights. I don't recommend putting any animal in your closet, but my layout is a bit different than most. Do as I say, not as I do). And I'm a little bit anxiously awaiting my roommate's arrival, which should be sometime tonight.
Getting the internet setup was a chore. It took 3 appointments (they finally showed up the last time) and 4 hours (well, the guy left for an hour and went back to the office so 3 hours total) to get... one plug in my bedroom working. Wireless is DOA, and I need to make a trip to Best Buy to buy a new router. I also have to return the DirecTV setup that I purchased yesterday, seeing as my condo association doesn't allow satellite installation. Hmph. Apparently it's illegal to disallow satellites, according to the FCC, but I'm not going to take it up with them yet. I'll wait until all the necessary repairs are done on my place, and then maybe I'll join the homeowners association and pick a fight. Cable will cost me $20 more a month! What a ripoff. At least installation will be just a flip of a switch. (I wonder if I can bribe the cable guy? Just kidding...)
Umm, news on the veterinary homefront. I've learned that the vet school doesn't really exist to the rest of the campus... no one carries books, supplies, etc. in any of the campus stores. And the vet school only has their bookstore open for 3 hours today (and it's closed the rest of the week!) so that's where I'm heading this afternoon. I'm hoping they will have some used textbooks for sale, but if not, then oh well... it's off to Amazon I go to buy some texts. After flipping through my friend's books, I've sort of determined which books I'd like to mark up, and which I'm not likely to read. The one purchase I've made - Pasquini - is a good one. Already bought some colored pencils so I can make the pictures prettier.
I guess that's all from here... tomorrow I'm taking a tour of the wildlife clinic to see if I want to volunteer my time (lots and lots of my time) to helping save poor animals with unfortunate run-ins with people. It should be fun! And then Sunday... it all begins...